Building an Effective On-Line Learning Community

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Building an Effective On-Line Learning Community por Mind Map: Building an Effective On-Line Learning Community

1. If You Build it They Will Come

1.1. Design fun engaging interactive assignments

1.2. Gaming can be a successful way to engage younger students

2. If You Make it Mandatory They Will Participate

2.1. Make assignments an important part of the grade process

2.2. Participation can add value to the students grade as in extra credit as well

3. If You Participate, They Will Also

3.1. Instructor participation in the assignments will promote student participation

3.2. If you make it fun they will forget it is an assignment, you can connect with the students on a more intimate level

4. If You Make it Relevant, They Will Appreciate the Assignment

4.1. Adult learners prefer their assignments to be relevant and useful in their every day lives

4.2. Pedagogy revolves around learner interest, if the topic is tied into lifespan learning it will be much more beneficial

5. Gaming can be an incredible way to interest students and engage them in an interactive manner