Water Website

Just an initial demo map, so that you don't start with an empty map list ...

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Water Website por Mind Map: Water Website

1. Flash button

1.1. Colourful

1.2. Distinct

1.3. Original

1.4. Big

2. Links to charities

3. Colours

3.1. Blue

3.2. Green

3.3. Colours that can relate to water

4. Bibliography from my resources

5. Easy to read

6. for our age group

7. Interactive

7.1. Game

7.2. Quiz

8. Pictures

8.1. They need to be effective

8.2. To get peoples atention

9. Videos

9.1. Shocking

9.2. Powerfull

9.3. Unseen

10. Facts

10.1. Interesting

10.2. In bullet points to make it easy to read

11. Gadgets

12. Essential Information

12.1. Why is water so important?

12.2. What does water do?

12.3. Why do we need it?

12.4. What are the actual problems about water?

12.5. What is happening to the world?

12.6. How to help? What to do to help?