Andrew S. Huhn

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Andrew S. Huhn por Mind Map: Andrew S. Huhn

1. Geography

1.1. I was raised in Grand Ledge, Michigan, and remained living in that area for the first 28 years of my life (minus one year in Chicago). I moved to Hershey Pennsylvania for 5 years to go to grad school, and now live in York County Pennsylvania while I work in Baltimore.

1.1.1. Travel I love to travel and have been to several countries including Italy, Ireland, Switzerland, Austria, and Israel.

1.2. Education

1.2.1. I received a B.S. in Psychology from Michigan State University in 2010. I took a year off from school before starting a Ph.D. program in Neuroscience at Penn State College of Medicine in Hershey, PA. Currently, I am a Postdoctoral Fellow at Johns Hopkins School of Medicine and also an M.B.A. student at Carey. Should be done at Carey this Spring!

2. Family

2.1. I have a wife and two kids: Arthur is 3.5 and Julian is 1. They are monsters (the kids - not the wife)! Also have a dog named Lady Arya Stark of Winterfell.

2.2. Hobbies

2.2.1. My hobbies include raising children and going to business school. That takes up most of my free time. But, I also still enjoy reading, basketball, and singing. I am planning to throw myself into some other interests once life calms down a bit.

3. Writing

3.1. I love to write, both as a hobby and professionally. I would love to semi-retire (in the distant future) and just travel and write.

4. Aspirations

4.1. I am really interested in the intersection of science and business. To that end, I would like to work in job where I am responsible for identifying and cultivating new biotech and/or making decisions about strategy in healthcare.

4.2. Research

4.2.1. I do research as a neuroscientist that I hope will translate into products that help people!

5. Entrepreneurship

5.1. I have a lot of ideas for new products as well as ways to improve aspects of the current healthcare landscape.

6. Personal Development

6.1. Volunteering

6.2. Exercising mind and body

6.3. Reading about history