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The Legal System por Mind Map: The Legal System

1. Politicians and Parliament

1.1. Politicians make the law

1.2. They can either make new laws or change existing owns.

1.3. The parlament responds to pressures (petitions, demonstrations, lobbying etc) to make new laws, or change existing ones.

2. Courts

2.1. The courts interpret the laws

2.2. They settle disputes according to strict rules of evidence and procedure.

2.3. Most courts are open, where people can come in and listen.

2.4. The court officials are responsile for administration and efficient running of the court.

3. Legal Advisors

3.1. Legal advisors are lawyers, solicitors and bariristers.

3.2. They are to represen their client and conduct theior case during court.

3.3. They argue a case that is in the best intrests of the client.

3.4. they oversee contract signing.

4. Prisons

4.1. Prisons hold people that are convicted of a crime.

4.2. The prison staff manage the prison

4.3. In the prison, all offenders must be given the option of rehabilitation

4.4. It plays a crucial part in the law as it makes sure that all offenders are brought to justice.

5. Police

5.1. They enforce the law

5.2. They do NOT make laws

5.3. they maintain peace and order, by preventing crime.

5.4. Police officers can assist in the prosecution of criminals, or offenders.

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