Social Teaching in the Old Testament

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Social Teaching in the Old Testament por Mind Map: Social Teaching in the Old Testament

1. Found mainly in the book of Exodus, Leviticus And Deuteronomy teach how to properly worship God

1.1. Respect for Human Life

1.1.1. What crime is committed on the person must be the pu

1.2. Respect for private property

1.2.1. Everyone has the right for protection rof there p

1.3. Honest in Business

1.3.1. Honest weights, and if a loan is taken out there be no interest charged and if another took the fall for a loan buy any object the object must be repayed

1.4. Just Distribution of wealth

1.4.1. That every 7th year all the land to be returned to the original owners

1.5. Special concern for vulnerable

1.5.1. Not to take advantage of the most vulnerable members of society and even more to make special provisions for their welfare

2. Teachings in the old law