The history of psychology. Part 2

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The history of psychology. Part 2 por Mind Map: The history of psychology. Part 2

1. Toward a functional of psy

1.1. Tichener and his colleagues, conduct a structural psychology.

1.2. William James, G. Stably Hall, and James McKeeb Cattell

1.3. These men were a group that identified with FUNCTIONALISM

1.4. These men were inspired by Darwin's evolutionary theory .

1.5. The functionalist group, study the activities of the mind (what it does). The experience were texted in animals and comparative psychology

1.6. Titchener, James proposed that consciousness is ongoing and continuous; it cannot be isolated and reduced to elements. For James, consciousness helped us adapt to our environment in such ways as allowing us to make choices and have personal responsibility over those choices. (David B. Baker and Heather Sherry. 2016)

2. psy in America

2.1. Alfred Binet (1857-1911) developed modern intelligence. The goal was to identify schoolchildren who need education support.

2.1.1. 1st Sitting

2.1.2. 2nd Sitting

2.1.3. 3rd Sitting

2.2. These test include task of reasoning and problem solving. It was introduced by Henry Goddard (1866- 1957) and later stander used by Lewis Trrmrn.

3. , it became a major subject/force in the states. Psychologist John B. Watson and B.F Skinner, behaviorism rejected any reference to the mind and viewed overt and observable behavior to be an actually subject of psy. It was looking forward that laws of learning could in fact be derived that promoted early behaviorism.

3.1. His work on conditioned leaning, popularly refers as classical conditioning, provided support for notion that learning and behavior were control by events in the environment and could be explained with no reference to the mind or consciousness . (Fancier, 1987).

3.2. In the 60s, behaviorism became important in America psy. Psychology stated to notice/recognize that behaviorism waste capable of to explain everything about behaviors because it neglected mental processes.

3.2.1. Constructive mind. 1930s research by Frederic C. Battlett (1886-1969) Def. past experiences of people to construct frameworks to understand new experiences

3.2.2. New node New node

3.2.3. New node

3.3. New node

4. The Growth of P s y

4.1. 20th century America

4.2. Psychology was growing in the states with accommodating points on the nature of mind and behaviors.

4.2.1. Name

4.2.2. Office hours

4.2.3. Contact

4.3. Gestalt psychology is a good example. The gestalt movement began in Germany with the work of Max Wetheimer (1880-1943) believed that studying the say" the whole is greater than the sum of its parts" is a Gestalt perspective. Consider that a melody is an addition element beyond the collection of notes that comprise it.

5. BEHAVIORISM was formed in the 1900s