Get Smart - A 90 minute guide on meetings - Theme - Business Chemistry

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Get Smart - A 90 minute guide on meetings - Theme - Business Chemistry por Mind Map: Get Smart - A 90 minute guide on meetings - Theme - Business Chemistry

1. Hijackers

2. Personality types

3. Tricky clients

4. Annoying colleagues

5. Unreasonable bosses

6. Get information from Mallory about the Simulation - Then allude to it - Using Perhaps a case study

7. Could we call this program quality conversations

8. • Save time in meetings by announcing your goals at the beginning.

9. • Business objectives are distinct from meeting objectives, which must be “measurable and/or observable at the end of the meeting.”

10. • Unspoken content – in any communication – is made up of everything you and others fail to say.

11. • Become a better listener by writing down everything a speaker says during a meeting.

12. • Respond to speakers from your partner’s perspective (the “him/her path”), from your own perspective (“me”) or by combining your perspective with your partner’s (“us”).

13. • When in doubt, ask.

14. Get Smart - Story telling

15. Get Lean - Get to the point

16. Body language to convey a story

17. • Meetings always involve what’s left unsaid that could be said and what’s said that could be phrased differently.

18. • Spoken words can be ambiguous. People may speak “incompletely, imprecisely or plain untruthfully.”

19. • Do what you say and say what you do.

20. Conversation points and how you say it