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D.E.C.I.D.E por Mind Map: D.E.C.I.D.E

1. Defining the problem : You borrow someone’s device (Smart Phone, Laptop etc) from a friend and accidentally break it.

1.1. Exploring alternatives : telling it to her and saying sorry, telling it to her and say that it was not my fault, telling it to her and then running away from her forever, not telling her and running away, not telling her and when she realizes say that her dog did it.

1.1.1. Consider every Consequence for each alternative : If i tell it to her and say sorry she will forgive me but at first she will get very mad .If i tell her and say that it was not my fault we will have trust issues.If i tell it to her and then running away forever i will not have a best friend.If i not tell her and say that her dog did it then she obviously will know that i did it and we will have even more trust issues and if she does not think that i did it, she will hate her dog forever Identify your values :In every scenario except one, i will be lying to my friend which means i will not be following my core values and my personal values but if i tell her that i have broken her phone, she will surely get mad at first but at the end she will forgive me and appreciate that i told her the truth. Decide and Act phase:I will be choosing the decision, which is to tell her that I have borrowed her phone and that I accidentally broke it and am very very sorry, I will do this because she will get mad at first but then will appreciate my honesty and will forgive me later