Sheppard Plenge

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Sheppard Plenge por Mind Map: Sheppard Plenge

1. My Next Move

1.1. Aerospace Engineer

1.1.1. $66,110 - $155,240

1.1.2. Bachelor's Degree

2. Processing

2.1. Global


3.1. 50% and below

3.1.1. Time Management

3.1.2. N/A

3.2. 50% - 75%

3.2.1. Concentration

3.2.2. Study Aids

3.3. 75% and up

3.3.1. Motivation

3.3.2. Anxiety (this is good)

4. Florida Shines

4.1. Interests

4.1.1. Aerospace Engineer $66,110 - $155,240 Bachelor's Degree

4.1.2. Mechanical Engineer $53,210 - $126,430 Bachelor's Degree

4.2. Skills

4.2.1. Aerospace Engineer $66,110 - $ 155, 240 Bachelor's Degree

4.2.2. Electronics Engineer, Except Computer $61,780 - $147,570 Bachelor's Degree

4.3. Values

4.3.1. Anesthesiologist $151,450 - N/A Doctoral/Professional Degree

5. Time Management

5.1. Based off of the results of my Time Management Inventory, I have 49 hours of available study time every week

6. Communication Skill (Promoter/Socializer)

6.1. Entertainer

6.2. Values enjoyment and helping other with the same

6.3. Full of ideas and impulsive in trying them

6.4. Talkative and open about self; asks others their opinions; loves to brainstorm

7. Multiple Intelligence

7.1. Verbal/Linguistic - 4

7.2. Logical/Mathematical - 5

7.3. Visual/Spatial - 4

7.4. Bodily/Kinesthetic - 4

7.5. Musical/Rhythmic - 3

7.6. Interpersonal - 4

7.7. Intrapersonal - 3

7.8. Naturalist - 5

8. Interest

8.1. Engineering

8.2. Nature

8.3. Staying healthy

9. Values

9.1. Family

9.2. Time

9.3. Happiness

10. Listening Skills

10.1. Active listener

11. Grit

11.1. Passion and perseverance for long term goals

11.2. Score - 4.63

11.3. I am grittier than at least 90% of the U.S. population

12. Career Interests

12.1. Aerospace Engineering

12.2. Chemical Engineering

12.3. Mechanical Engineering

13. VARK

13.1. Visual, Aural, Kinesthetic

13.2. I am a kinesthetic learner. I like hands on activities and real world experiences for learning. Experience is the best thing for me.