Final Project Course Module

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Final Project Course Module por Mind Map: Final Project Course Module

1. Learning Objectives

1.1. Develop Plan for Disney Vacation

2. Learning Activities

2.1. "All About Me"

2.2. Weekly Quizzes

2.3. Weekly Discussions

2.4. Final Project - Plan Disney Vacation

3. Assessment

3.1. "All About Me" PowerPoint Presentation (10%) - Students will be graded on spelling and grammar, use of graphics, originality and creativity, and the overall effectiveness of the presentation. The purpose of this assignment is simply to get to know the students and understand their decision to take the class.

3.2. Weekly Quizzes (20%) - Students will be graded on their understanding of the course content and their ability to retain given information. Each quiz will be multiple choice and/or matching using LockDown Browser. I decided to opt out of including short answer or essay questions in order for students to receive an immediate grade.

3.3. Weekly Discussions (20%) - Each week students will participate in a discussion using the BlackBoard forum to answer questions and discuss topics with fellow classmates. Students will be graded on spelling and grammar, participation, and originality in answer and responses.

3.4. Plan Personal Disney Vacation (50%) - At the end of the semester, each student will create a personalized plan for a Disney Vacation. Throughout the course, tips and shortcuts will be proved to aid students in their final project and hopefully, their future vacation planning. For the project, students will be graded on use of said tips and shortcuts, knowledge of planning a Disney vacation, and overall effectiveness of the plan.