The Environment

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The Environment por Mind Map: The Environment

1. pollution

1.1. acid rain

1.2. plastic bags

1.3. paper bags

1.4. pesticides

1.5. recycling

1.6. endrocrine disrupters

1.7. noise pollution

1.8. smog

1.9. cities

1.10. fires

2. global warming

2.1. Al Gore

2.2. Hurricanes

2.3. glaciers

2.4. drought

2.5. polar bears

2.6. native americans

2.7. Russians

2.8. cows

2.9. tornados

2.10. politics

2.11. natural fuels

3. acid rain

3.1. pollution

3.2. deforesation

3.3. acidification of lakes and streams

3.4. dead fish

3.5. red tide

3.6. polluted food sources

3.7. watersheds

3.8. toxicity levels

3.9. industry

4. Al Gore

4.1. internet

4.2. powerpoint

4.3. hummer owner

4.4. his homes

4.5. nobel prize

4.6. vice president

4.7. politics

4.8. global warming

4.9. emissions

4.10. oscar

4.11. charter jets

4.12. democrats/liberal