My success as a sophmore at Calumet High School

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My success as a sophmore at Calumet High School por Mind Map: My success as a sophmore at Calumet High School

1. Mitosis

1.1. New node

1.2. New node

2. Buddhism

3. Interim assessiments

3.1. interim 5A

3.2. interim 4B

3.3. interim 3B

3.4. interim 3A

4. essay's

4.1. life is a competition

4.2. Service learnig project

4.3. Your school

5. intro letter READ FIRST

6. conclusion letter

7. Knock out's

7.1. New node

8. where are they now?

9. World Oppression and Slavery: Past to Present

10. Organelles

11. Webpage

12. Personal (website)