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New York por Mind Map: New York

1. More people in New York die of suicide than murder

2. facts

2.1. There is a skyscraper with no windows

2.2. New York sets train tracks on fire to keep them free of ice in the winter

2.3. Roughly half of the population speaks a language other than English at home

2.4. 1 in every 38 Americans live in NYC

2.5. New Yorkers drink 7 times more coffee than people in the rest of America

2.6. 1 out of every 21 New Yorkers is a millionaire

2.7. The Empire State Building has its own zip code

2.8. Einstein's eyes are locked in a safe deposit box somewhere in the city

2.9. new york is about 100 km2 bigger than denmark

2.10. 11. It can cost nearly $300,000 to operate a hot dog stand around Central Park

2.11. 12. 25% of the world's gold bullion is stored in vaults under Wall Street (the federal reserve bank)

3. tourist attractions

3.1. The Ttatue Of Liberty

3.1.1. it is a symbol of liberty, as you probably can tell by the name

3.1.2. was made by Frédéric Auguste Bartholdi, and was completed the 28 october 1886.

3.2. empire state building

3.2.1. it's a skyscraper, and it is 381 meters tall, and was completed in 1932, the next 23 years it was the highest human made structure.

3.3. Times Square

3.3.1. Times Square is a long road filled with skyscrapers and neon signs, and at night everyting ligts up in various diffrent colors.

4. population

4.1. there lives 8,538 mio (2016) in new york