The school doesn't have more option for food.

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The school doesn't have more option for food. por Mind Map: The school doesn't have more option for food.

1. School should give students more types of food.

1.1. Sometimes students get bored from old food.

2. It is not necessary to give new options every time, but one a week.

2.1. Students can understand the problem why school can't provide more options, but they can expect some new options once a week.

3. There should be separated lines for those who eat chicken and for those who are vegetarian.

3.1. My friend was vegetarian and didn't like the smell of chicken. He says, "it's not good for me to eat non-veg, I have problems with non-veg. Even I smell it, I can get sick."

4. There is also should be more options for people who only eat veg food.

4.1. Some students feel like they don't see more vegetarian food.