Digitial Devices

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Digitial Devices por Mind Map: Digitial Devices

1. Personal Computers

1.1. Laptops

1.1.1. Laptops are small, lightweight and portable.

1.2. Desktops

1.2.1. Bulky, but have better hardware and can be modified and monitors can range in size.

2. Tablets

2.1. A small portable device that can be used for a range of things.

2.1.1. They can be used for games, checking your email, reading, using the internet and of other things.

3. Cameras & Camcorders

3.1. The difference between a camera and a camcorder is that a camera takes photos and videos while a camcorder can function as a camera and as a video recorder.

4. Home Entertainment Systems

4.1. A home entertainment system is a electronic device that is most suited for home and is used for entertainment such as a DVD player and a game console.

5. Mobile Phones

5.1. A smartphone is a phone that can function and do other things besides calling and texting people like downloading app and games and taking photos and videos.

5.1.1. The reason smartphones are smart is due to the hardware that is inside of them which can do a multitude of different tasks like telling the time and date, being able to receive and send data, takes notes and lots of other tasks.