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Rebekah McCoy por Mind Map: Rebekah McCoy

1. Interests

1.1. Anime: its how I met my husband, over a series that he introduced me to in college. Some favorites are Cowboy Bebop, Nadesco, One Piece

1.2. Playing Pathfinder and Dungens & Dragons with friends

1.3. Science Fiction Fantasy books and movies including Star Wars, Star Trek, Dresden Files series, Harry Potter, etc

2. Family

2.1. 15 month old son Marcus

2.2. Husband: Stephen

2.3. Expecting second son due Feb 9, 2018

3. Work

3.1. Environmental Scientist with 10 years in the industry

3.2. Currently work as an Environmental Policy Analyst as a contractor for Customs and Border Protection

3.3. Previous experience includes environmental remediation of former military munition and contaminated military sites.

4. Disney

4.1. Worked for Disney World in Fl for 11 years

4.2. Married at Walt Disney World in April 2012

4.3. Disney Vacation Club owners, and take yearly trips to Florida, most recent trip was September 2017.