Social Class affects educational achievement to a large extent

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Social Class affects educational achievement to a large extent por Mind Map: Social Class affects educational achievement to a large extent

1. 1. Ultimately depends on ones character. If someone genuinely wants to succeed, understands what it takes to do so, and also is willing to put in the hard work to do well, he or she is bound to acheive educational success

2. Rebuttal 1: It is the responsibility of the parents to develop their child’s character and inculcate soujd moral values in their children such as working hard, being resilient and not giving up. The social class of a family will affect the ability of a parent to raise their child in the manner that is intended. e.g. due to working longer hours for a lower class, less time for child resulting in negative perspective of studying, affecting future educational achievements. Rebuttal 2: Social class stills actually plays a part in making a higher quality of education accessible. For example, schools with the 6 year IP program have a higher pricr of school fees of approximately $200-$300 as compared to neighbourhood schools with schools fees of approximately $50-$100.

3. Children brought up with the wrong opinion of studying due to lack of attention and guidance from parents e.g. poor families with double income earning are unable to emphasise on importance of education hence lower amount of lower-income family students stand a chance at entering elite schools

4. Ability to afford higher quality of life with a higher income. People of higher class are able to afford to send their children to a private school instead of a governemnt funded public school. A private school has education of higher quality and is more advanced than the syllabus of a normal school. This level of foundation will determine the childs academic performance in the future. Thus the students of lower class is at a disadvantage as he/she is forced to work harder since he does not have as strong a basis for foundation compared to the student of higher class.

5. Guidelines

6. Unable to afford basic school necessities or additional academic aid such as textbooks, stationary, tuition. This provided students of upper class to have an advantage over the lower class students. In addition, having a car allows the child to take less time to go to school while a lower class student has to take public transport and gets less sleep, which is a big determinant factor in educational achievement.

7. Educational acheivement is more heavily affected by the edicational system itself. The educators play a major role in determining a child’s performance and success. Furthermore, the paths available for a student to choose in order to specialise in the particular wanted fields also play a larger role in determining their academic performance. For example, in singapore, students have a wide range of choices during the transition from primary school level to secondary school level. From SOTA representing the arts stream to the best school NUSH in the Math&Science stream, wide range of choices.