Dictatorship in Chile: Augusto Pinochet (1915-2006)

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Dictatorship in Chile: Augusto Pinochet (1915-2006) por Mind Map: Dictatorship in Chile:  Augusto Pinochet  (1915-2006)

1. Resignation

1.1. 1988: international pressure forces Pinochet into referendum: Chileans voted against Pinochet

1.2. 1990: democratically elected Patricio Aylwin takes over the Presidency

1.3. 1990-1998: Pinochet remains Commander in Chief

2. Justice

2.1. 1998: Pinochet visits the UK for health reasons

2.1.1. Spain enforces an international Arrest Warrant because of crimes against humanity

2.1.2. 1998-2000: UK imprisons Pinochet

2.1.3. 2000: Pinochet is released and returns to Chile

2.2. No persecution for Pinochet in Chile --> no Transitional Justice

2.2.1. General Pinochet, died without standing trial

3. Chile Before Pinochet

3.1. Relatively stable democracy

3.2. 1970-1973: Presidency of socialist Salvador Allende

3.3. 1973: Augusto Pinochet was appointed Commander in Chief

4. Pinochet's repression

4.1. Restrictions

4.1.1. Censored press

4.1.2. Labour strikes

4.1.3. Banned unions

4.1.4. Seized strikes and protests

4.2. Torture

4.2.1. Firing Squads

4.2.2. Mutilation

4.2.3. Beatings

4.2.4. Drownings

4.2.5. Electrocutions

4.3. Secret Service DINA persecuted, tortured and killed opponents, even cross-border

4.4. 2004: The Truth Commission released an estimated amount of 28.000 people had been tortured

4.5. Thousands disappeared and remain unfound until today

5. The Ideology: Pinochetismo

5.1. Against

5.1.1. Communism

5.2. In Favour

5.2.1. Authoritarianism

5.2.2. Militarism

5.2.3. Conservatism

5.2.4. Patriotism

5.2.5. Nationalism

5.2.6. Neo-liberalism

6. Coup d'état

6.1. Facts

6.1.1. September 11, 1973

6.1.2. Pinochet took power by overthrowing Salvador Allende, commanding armed forces and federal police

6.1.3. Footage of the Bombing of La Moneda

6.1.4. Allende allegedly committed suicide within his bombed Presidential Palace La Moneda

6.1.5. Beginning of Pinochet's Dictatorship

6.2. Reasons

6.2.1. US anti-communist policy

6.2.2. Economical factors High prices International restrictions Poverty Unemployment

6.2.3. Social factors

6.2.4. "To liberate Chile from Marxist Oppression"

6.3. Actions

6.3.1. Ban all left-leaning political parties

6.3.2. Reinvigorate the national economy