Brain + Cranial Nerves

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Brain + Cranial Nerves por Mind Map: Brain + Cranial Nerves

1. Brain Stem

1.1. Midbrain

1.1.1. Visual reflexes and auditory relay

1.2. Pons

1.2.1. Relays info between motor cortex and cerebellum

1.3. Medulla Oblongata

1.3.1. Cardiovascular center, respiratory center, visceral motor functions

2. Cranial Nerves

2.1. I. Olfactory

2.1.1. Sensory

2.2. II. Optic

2.2.1. Sensory

2.3. III. Oculomotor

2.3.1. Motor

2.4. IV. Trochlear

2.4.1. Motor

2.5. V, Trigeminal

2.5.1. Both

2.6. VI. Abducens

2.6.1. Motor

2.7. VII. Facial

2.7.1. Both

2.8. VIII. Vestibulocochlear

2.8.1. Sensory

2.9. IX. Glossopharyngeal

2.9.1. Both

2.10. X. Vagus

2.10.1. Both

2.11. XI. Acessory

2.11.1. Motor

2.12. XII. Hypoglossal

2.12.1. Motor

3. Meninges

3.1. Dura Mater

3.2. Arachnoid Mater

3.3. Pia Mater

4. Major Lobes

4.1. Frontal Lobe

4.1.1. Decision making, Speech, Smell, Motor Control

4.2. Temporal Lobe

4.2.1. Hearing, Facial Recognition

4.3. Parietal Lobe

4.3.1. Touch, Pressure, Taste, Body Awareness

4.4. Occipital Lobe

4.4.1. Vision

4.5. Cerebellum

4.5.1. Unconscious mechanisms