About: Ikenna (Ike) Unegbu

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About: Ikenna (Ike) Unegbu por Mind Map: About: Ikenna (Ike) Unegbu

1. Other Random fun facts

1.1. I also speak and write French and Russian languages. The closest I have been to the arctic is Nunavut- One of the aboriginal provinces in Canada. I once had a part-time job with an airline and it was sweet to travel "space available basis" to almost all the places on my bucket list!

2. Travels

2.1. I have done quite a bit of traveling. Still have a few places on my bucket list. Most recent travels include London, Islands of Greece,Montego bay Jamaica.

3. My current Homebase

3.1. I currently live in Washington DC with my wife and two kids (Jacob-2.5 yrs, David-5 months old). Growing up, places I lived for more than a year include: Nigeria, Montreal-Canada, Moscow-Russia, Philadelphia (Pharmacy School) and now DC

4. Work

4.1. Currently a Hospital Pharmacist at Sibley Memorial Hospital. Other jobs I have done in the past include customer service for both Citibank and US Airways

5. Hobbies

5.1. I like competitive sports, traveling and discussing current affairs. I like spending time with my growing family. When I am not with them, its either work or schoolwork. I am looking forward to graduating from the MBA program in May 2018!!

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