Health Equity through actions on SDOH: taking up the challenge in nursing

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Health Equity through actions on SDOH: taking up the challenge in nursing por Mind Map: Health Equity through actions on SDOH: taking up the challenge in nursing

1. Raise awareness of SDOH to public, policy makers and HCPs

2. Policy Advocacy

3. Barriers to population-focused health promotion

4. Broaden Scope of nursing practice

5. Individual-focused health promotion as opposed to population-focused

6. Nursing Recommendations

7. Undergraduate curriculum incorporates SDOH and leadership

8. Nurses lack personality-type and maturity level

9. Nurses lack knowledge and skills in political advocacy

10. Nursing organizations forge alliances with advocacy groups to strengthen lobbying

11. Limited healthcare funding

12. Administrators not viewing community-focused health promotion as priority

13. Nurses continue to follow standards of practice

14. Nurses lack knowledge and education to work at a population-level

15. Sensitive and non-judgmental care

16. Sharing stories on the impact of policies on people's lives

17. Individual ideology rather than collective responsibility for welfare

18. Further research on reducing health inequities

19. Increase inter-sectoral collaboration

20. Advocacy for living and working conditions

21. Lack of collaboration between governmental and non-governmental sectors