Brainstorming Pros & Cons of getting a dog!

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Brainstorming Pros & Cons of getting a dog! por Mind Map: Brainstorming Pros & Cons of getting a dog!

1. Want to know what the advantages and disadvantages

2. The Wilder The Better

3. Make sure you involve every point you can think of

4. Anything goes!

5. Pros

6. What I am expecting from this.

7. Cons

8. They are cute.

8.1. You love aniamls

9. They are expensive.

10. They are fun.

10.1. You'll have a buddy all the time.

11. They are a lot of work.

12. Have to give them a lot of attention.

13. What if i go out of town? or what if im not home alot next semester?