California since the 1950's

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California since the 1950's por Mind Map: California since the 1950's

1. Explain the transformation of the economy during the Gold Rush

1.1. create a video explaining the booming economy during the Gold Rush using pictures and reenactments.

2. Illustrate the products produced and consumed during Gold Rush

2.1. create an inventory list for a mercantile store using these products.

3. Describe the change in Towns during the Gold Rush

3.1. create a travel brochure on a certain gold rush town.

4. Analyze economic Conflicts between diverse groups of people.

4.1. create a brochure listing the diverse groups of people and the economic challenges and conflicts they faced.

5. Describe how California became an agricultural and industrial power because of the Gold Rush

5.1. create a podcast that describes how the Gold Rush led to California becoming an agricultural and industrial power.

6. Explain how Gold Rush shaped California Culture.

6.1. create a sign for a museum exhibit on the Gold Rush explaining how California culture was shaped.

7. Guidelines

7.1. Anything goes!

7.2. No criticism or flaming allowed

7.3. The Wilder The Better

7.4. Quantity is Quality

7.5. Set a Time Limit