Conquerors and Explorers

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Conquerors and Explorers por Mind Map: Conquerors and Explorers

1. Christopher Columbus

1.1. 1492

1.2. Received funding from Queen Isabella and King Ferdinand of Spain, promising to bring back pepper and cinnamon from Asia

1.3. Discovered the West Indies when he though he had found Asia. Convinced himself for years up to his death that he had found Asia.

2. Ferdinand Magellan

2.1. Only 18 out of 237 men made it back from the voyage alive

2.2. First person to set sail around the globe, which took about three years (1519-1522)

3. Vasco da Gama

3.1. First European explorer to reach India by sea

3.2. Was a Portuguese explorer

4. Hernan Cortes

4.1. Spanish conquistador who led the downfall of the Aztec Empire

4.2. Used a native woman, Dona Marina, as his interpreter; she would later give birth to a son

4.3. Awarded the title Marquess of Oaxaca after overthrowing the Aztec Empire