Explorers and Conquerors

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Explorers and Conquerors por Mind Map: Explorers and Conquerors

1. James Cook

1.1. (B) 1728 - (D) 1779

1.2. Captain in the Royal Navy

1.3. First European to make contact with Australian coast and the Hawaiian islands

1.4. Attempted to discover Antarctica

1.5. solved the problem of scurvy and observed the transit of Venus

1.6. Three Voyages across the Pacific

2. Francisco Pizarro

2.1. (B) 1476 - (D) 1541

2.2. Spanish Explorer and Conqueror

2.3. One of the wealthiest Marquis de la Conquista of the era

2.4. Conquered Inca Empire

2.5. Tricked tribes into defeat

2.6. along with other conquistadors, colonized much of the world for Spain and Portugal

3. Hernando De Soto

3.1. (B) 1500 - D (1542)

3.2. Made fortune in Central American slave trade

3.3. First Europeans to cross Mississipi River

3.4. Leading slave trader

3.5. One of the richest in Nicaragua

3.6. Settled in Florida after his marriage to Isabel de Bobadilla

4. Christopher Columbus

4.1. 1492- Columbus lands in the Americas

4.2. Wanted to find an easier trade route to Asia by sailing West across the Atlantic

4.3. (B)1451 - (D)1506

4.4. Three ships: The Santa Maria, The Pinta, and The Santa Clara

4.5. Encountered tribes such as the Lucayan, Taíno, and Arawak

4.6. Brought Native American slaves with him back to Europe

5. Jacques Cartier

5.1. (B)1491 - (D)1557

5.2. Sent by King Francis in search of riches/a new route to Asia

5.3. Explored what is now modern day Canada and Brazil

5.4. Took Native Americans hostage, who were used as guides for future voyages

5.5. first European to describe and map the Gulf of Saint Lawrence

5.6. Made three successful voyages to the New World

6. Pedro Menéndez de Avilés

6.1. (B) 1519 - (D) 1574

6.2. Spanish admiral and explorer from Asturias, Spain

6.3. Founded St. Augustine, Florida

6.4. Planned the first regular trans-oceanic convoys

6.5. Spanish Conquistador

6.6. Governor of Cub