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Brand Book por Mind Map: Brand Book

1. Beliefs

2. Slogans

3. I. Who We Are

4. III. Our Tagline

4.1. Putting Fun and Freedom back into business

5. III. Our Vision

5.1. The first point of call for Businesses that understand there is always a better way.

5.2. Our Supplier Network supports our efforts.

5.3. On the Cutting edge of Tech advancement at the right price point

5.4. Global Company where the sun never sets

5.5. A world authority in business process optimisation

5.6. We are the best at what we do

6. IV. Our Mission

6.1. Educating Business Owners to the possibilities, Creating the Systems and Delivering the Solutions that allow them to be Successful and generate the Freedom to achieve Their Purpose.

6.2. Empower Business Owners with the knowledge and tools required for Business Success

6.3. Provide guidance and frameworks

6.4. Create Systems and Deliver Solutions

6.5. Put the Fun and Freedom into business

6.6. Best in Class for each area

7. V. Our Values

7.1. Fun

7.2. Freedom

7.3. clarity

7.4. Integrity

7.5. Respect

7.6. Creativity

7.7. Quality

7.8. Action

7.9. Growth and Education

7.10. Loyalty

7.11. Innovation

7.12. Consistency

7.13. Team

7.14. Discipline

7.15. Focus

7.16. Collaboration

7.17. Accountability

7.18. Curiosity

8. VI. Corporate Social Responsibility

8.1. Australia

8.1.1. Mental Health

8.1.2. Homelessness

8.2. Philippines

8.2.1. Child Health and Welfare

9. VII. Our Logo

9.1. Specifications

9.2. Usage Examples

9.3. Restrictions

10. VIII. Visual Identity

10.1. Digital

10.2. Print

10.3. Color Palette

10.4. Typefaces/Fonts

11. IX. Marketing Collaterals

11.1. Letterheads

11.2. E-mail Signatures

11.3. Presentation Templates

11.4. Stationaries

11.5. Calling card

11.6. Identification Cards

12. X. Merchandise

12.1. T-Shirts

12.2. Lanyards

12.3. Caps

12.4. Pens