Jake Carlson Mind Map

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Jake Carlson Mind Map por Mind Map: Jake Carlson Mind Map

1. Spiritual

1.1. Donate time to a cause (1 year)

1.2. Join a group or club (3 year)

2. Occupational

2.1. Financially stable (1 Year)

2.2. pay off all debt (3+ years)

2.3. Buy a house ( 3 year)

2.4. Start my own real estate team (3 year)

2.5. Attend real estate conferences (1 year)

2.6. Start investing more (1 year)

2.7. Save $200-$300 dollars a week ( Month)

3. Social

3.1. Meet a new person every weekend (1 year)

3.2. Stay more in touch with my sister ( month)

3.3. Fly back home to see the family more often (1 year)

3.4. Connect with old friends again (3 year)

4. Physical

4.1. Get 8 hours of sleep at least 4 times a week (Month)

4.2. Workout daily for 30+ minutes (Month)

4.3. Do yoga (1 year)

4.4. Eat a balanced diet (Month)

4.5. Limit consumption of alcohol/sugar drinks (1 year)

4.6. Pick up a new hobby or sport (1 year)

5. Emotional

5.1. Give time to volunteer (1 year)

5.2. Donate money to a cause (3 year)

5.3. Help a friend in need (3 year)

6. Intellectual

6.1. Start reading instead of watching TV (1 year)

6.2. Follow world news (1 year)

6.3. Learn more about a country and visit it (3 years)

6.4. Learn to speak another language (3 years)