3. The ITIL Service Value System - Understand the purpose and components of the ITIL service va...

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3. The ITIL Service Value System - Understand the purpose and components of the ITIL service value system (SVS) создатель Mind Map: 3. The ITIL Service Value System - Understand the purpose and components   of the ITIL service value system (SVS)

1. Purpose

1.1. To ensure that the organization continually co-creates value with all stakeholders through the use and management of products and services.

1.2. The ITIL Service Value System describes how all the components and activities of the organization work together as a system to enable value creation.

1.3. These activities represent the steps an organization takes in the creation of value. Each activity may draw upon internal or third-party resources, processes, skills, and competencies from one or more practices.

2. Inputs and Outputs of the SVS

2.1. Inputs

2.1.1. Opportunity - represents options or possibilities to add value for stakeholders or otherwise improve the organization

2.1.2. Demand – need or desire for products and services among internal and external consumers

2.2. Outcome

2.2.1. Value – the perceived benefits, usefulness and importance of something

3. Three Main Parts

3.1. To enable value creation, all the components and activities of the organization need to work together as a system

3.2. Inputs to The System

3.2.1. Opportunity and demand

3.3. Components of the System

3.3.1. Components of the SVS Guiding Principles Recommendations that can guide an organization in all circumstances, regardless of changes in its goals, strategies, type of work, or management structure. Governance The means by which an organization is directed and controlled. Service Value Chain A set of interconnected activities that an organization performs to deliver a valuable product or service to its consumers and to facilitate value realization. Practices Sets of organizational resources designed for performing work or accomplishing an objective. Continual Improvement A recurring organizational activity performed at all levels to ensure that an organization’s performance continually meets stakeholders’ expectations.

3.4. Outputs of the system

3.4.1. Achievement of objectives and value

4. Challenges

4.1. Silos

4.1.1. Organizational silos make it hard to work effectively and efficiently with a shared vision, or to become more agile and resilient.

4.1.2. Silos can be resistant to change and prevent easy access to the information and specialized expertise, which can reduce efficiency and increase cost and risk.

4.1.3. Silos also make communication or collaboration more difficult across groups.

4.2. Adressed with SVS

4.2.1. The ITIL SVS has been specifically architected to enable flexibility and discourage siloed working. It does not form a fixed, rigid structure. There are examples of value streams, but they are not definite or prescriptive.

4.2.2. Organizations should be able to define and redefine their value streams in a flexible, yet safe and efficient manner. This requires continual improvement activity to be carried out at all levels of the organization.

5. Organizational Agility and Resilience

5.1. Organizational agility is the ability of an organization to move and adapt quickly, flexibly and decisively to support internal changes

5.2. Organizational resilience is the ability of an organization to anticipate, prepare for, respond to and adapt to both incremental changes and sudden disruptions from an external perspective. It requires a common understanding of priorities and objectives.

5.3. Successful organizations must achieve agility and resilience to support internal changes and withstand or even thrive in changing external circumstances. They must also be part of larger ecosystems, delivering, coordinating and consuming products and services.

5.4. The SVS provides the means to achieve organizational agility and resilience and to facilitate the adoption of a strong unified direction, focused on value and understood by all.