What is happiness?

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What is happiness? por Mind Map: What is happiness?

1. TV

2. Education

2.1. Good job

2.1.1. Money

2.2. School

2.3. College

2.3.1. Class mates

3. Things

3.1. Computer

3.2. Internet

3.3. Jewelry

3.3.1. Ring

3.3.2. Necklace

3.3.3. Bracelet

3.4. Nice clothes

3.5. Flowers

3.5.1. Roses

3.6. Food

3.6.1. Pizza

3.6.2. Chicken

3.7. Car

4. Feelings

4.1. Friendship

4.2. Love

4.3. Success

4.4. Peacefullness

4.5. Proudness

4.5.1. being mindful

4.5.2. see. think. act.

5. Kinds of happiness

6. Biological aspects

7. Activities

7.1. Swimming

7.1.1. Seaside

7.2. Reading

7.2.1. Good book

7.3. Skating

7.4. Running

7.4.1. Forest

7.5. Cycling

7.6. Sleighing

7.6.1. Winter

7.7. Traveling

7.8. Sleeping

7.8.1. My bed

8. Climate

8.1. Summer

8.1.1. Sun

8.1.2. Warm water

8.1.3. Hot weather

8.1.4. Swimming

8.1.5. Sea

8.2. Snow

8.2.1. Snow fight

8.2.2. Sleighing

8.2.3. Skating

9. Friends

9.1. Boyfriend/Girlfriend

9.1.1. Love

9.2. Bestfriend

9.2.1. Good relationships

9.3. Parents

9.3.1. Home Mother Father

9.4. Sister/Brother

9.5. Grandparents

9.5.1. Country side Nature

9.6. Pets

9.6.1. Cat

9.6.2. Dog

10. Factors

10.1. The results of

10.1.1. being aware of life

10.1.2. thinking

10.1.3. deciding

10.1.4. feeling

10.1.5. charakter

10.1.6. judging

10.1.7. acting

10.1.8. your life

11. Spiritual aspects