The Latehomecomer Period 1

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The Latehomecomer Period 1 por Mind Map: The Latehomecomer Period 1

1. forage

1.1. the seeking or obtaining of such food.

2. cacophony

2.1. a discordant and meaningless mixture of sounds

3. resonate

3.1. To amplify vocal sound

4. concoctions

4.1. a combination of ingredients.

4.2. 1. Her perfume smelled like a concoction of different chemicals. 2.John drank the concoction of different ingredients to be healthier. 3.The concoction of carrots and chocolate did not taste good.

5. formidable

5.1. Of discouraging or awesome strength, size, difficulty, intimidating

5.2. 1.the amount of strength the people of Lorien once had was formidable. 2. The Hulk was formidable. 3.John Smith was formidable against the Mogadorians.

6. shaman

6.1. a priest or priestess who uses magic for the purpose of curing the sick, divine the hidden

6.2. 1.When the shaman came to heal me, i felt better right away. 2.You can not become a shaman if you want to, it has to call you. 3. John wants to be a shaman when he grows up.

7. suffused

7.1. to overspread with or as with a liquid, color, etc.

8. lamented

8.1. mourned for, as a person who is dead

9. encroaching

9.1. to trespass upon the property, domain, or rights of another, especially stealthily or by gradual advances.

10. girth

10.1. Size or bulk, distance around something