To Kill a Mockingbird Group 2 - Period 3

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To Kill a Mockingbird Group 2 - Period 3 por Mind Map: To Kill a Mockingbird Group 2 - Period 3

1. iota

2. perpetual

3. temerity

3.1. Foolhardy disregard of danger; recklessness.

4. prerogative

5. unmitigated

6. prerogative

7. corroborative

7.1. Definition-to make more certain; confirm

7.2. She corroborated that it was very cold in her house.

8. chiffarobe

8.1. Definition -a piece of furniture having both drawers and space for hanging clothes.

8.2. She had a chiffarobe in her closet so she could hang her shirts and put her pants in the drawer.

9. entailments

9.1. Definition-something involved as a necessary part or consequence of something:

9.2. Her job entailed long hours of work.

10. apoplectic

10.1. Overcome with anger; extremely indignant.

10.2. Kendra was apoplectic when she failed her driving test.