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The Scheduler por Mind Map: The Scheduler

1. 每个核上都会运行一个Scheduler

2. runnable

3. suspended

4. exiting

5. free

6. waiting

7. running

8. GCing

9. Process状态机

9.1. running

9.2. runnable

10. Reductions

11. Queue的处理

11.1. max

11.2. high

11.3. normal&low

11.4. port tasks

12. Time Wheels

12.1. 结构是一个Large Array[65536]

13. Possible Problems

13.1. priority inversion

13.2. Reduction count problem

13.2.1. BIF&NIF消耗的red并不真实代表实际的耗时

13.2.2. 函数返回不消耗red

14. Load Balancing