Technology Autobiography by Patricks

Just an initial demo map, so that you don't start with an empty map list ...

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Technology Autobiography by Patricks par Mind Map: Technology Autobiography by Patricks

1. Entertainment

1.1. Video Games

1.1.1. Sega Genisis

1.1.2. Nintendo

1.1.3. 2XL

1.2. Television

1.3. Music

1.3.1. CD

1.3.2. Tape Recording

1.3.3. Record Player

2. Comunication

2.1. Telephone

2.1.1. Cell Phone

2.1.2. 3 way calling

2.2. Computer

2.3. Pager

3. Transportaion

3.1. Car

3.2. Bycycle

3.3. Roller Blade