Wernle PLN
by Marti Wernle´
1. People
1.1. Science PLC
1.2. SAILL Team
1.3. LEC cohort
1.4. Online Health Cohort
1.5. Online Econ Cohort
1.6. Robert Craven/SVUSD
1.7. Randy Kolset/OCDE
1.8. iPod educators
1.9. West Interian/APPLE
2. Literature
2.1. JOLT
2.2. JTLA
2.3. Ojdla
2.4. Twenty-first Century Skills
2.5. The Secrets of Steve Jobs
2.6. iBooks
2.7. Presentation Zen
2.8. Disrupting Class
3. Social
3.1. Twitter
3.2. Edu.pln.ning
3.3. Facebook
3.4. Blogger
3.5. Linked in
3.6. Google Reader
4. Organizations
4.1. iNACOL
4.2. CUE
4.2.1. El Sig