Comic Life in Teaching 6th Grade Language Arts

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Comic Life in Teaching 6th Grade Language Arts par Mind Map: Comic Life in Teaching 6th Grade Language Arts

1. Teacher Roles

1.1. Show the students that technology based learning can be fun.

1.2. Promote collaboration among students by creating comics in small groups or as an entire class.

1.3. Use comic life to create newsletters to send home with students, in order to involve parents in the classroom.

1.4. Teachers can use comic life as a tool to introduce lesson plans and curriculum

2. Learning Assessment

2.1. Have students create comics of their choice individually or in groups, to see how well students work with new technology.

2.2. Have students create story comics, to practice writing with plot.

2.3. Teachers can use comic life to facilitate student participation.

2.4. Assess how well students can work with each other and with new technology.

3. Learning Goals

3.1. Interaction and Meaning

3.1.1. Students will: Describe how a particular text’s plot unfolds in a series of episodes as well as how the characters respond or change as the plot moves toward a resolution.

3.1.2. Students will: Be introduced to a new creative learning environment

3.2. Text Features

3.2.1. Students will: interpret visual elements of a text including those from different media and drawing conclusions from them.

3.3. Relationships/Texts

3.3.1. Students will: compare and contrast one authors presentation of events with that of another.

3.3.2. Students will: Increase their communication by working together in a group

3.4. Structure

3.4.1. Students will: Analyze how a particular sentence, paragraph, section, or image contributes to meaning.

4. What is comic life?

4.1. Comic life is a tool (not just comics) used to help teachers pull meaningful materials from students. It can be used in many lesson plans that allows students to demonstrate their creativity.

4.2. Tools Used in Comic Life

4.2.1. Fonts

4.2.2. Templates

4.2.3. Panels

4.2.4. Balloons

4.2.5. Captions

4.2.6. Lettering art

5. Reasons for use in 6th grade english language arts

5.1. Dialogue

5.2. Plot analysis

5.3. Post reading tool

5.4. Pre writing tool

5.5. Digital story telling

5.6. comics can provide a starting point for students learning to read

5.7. Character Analysis

6. Learning Activities

6.1. Create a conversation with the use of speech and thought bubbles from characters in a story.

6.2. Evaluate a characters traits, role in the story and the conflicts they experience from a book a book of choice.

6.3. Use a timeline as a sequence of events in order for the plot to be easier to analyze.

6.4. Organize thoughts for writing and use media to enhance thinking.

6.5. Create interactive stories using multimedia from Comic Life.