1. Initial Branding
1.1. Name
1.1.1. Decide on a title name for the portfolio
1.1.2. Potential strap-line / motto?
1.2. Themes
1.2.1. Decide on theme
1.2.2. Decide on the type of features
1.3. Market research
1.3.1. Competitor analysis
1.3.2. Target audience analysis
2. Design
2.1. Fonts
2.1.1. Source main font from typekit Choose which ones to include in each section
2.1.2. choose font colour scheme
2.2. Layouts
2.2.1. Sketch layout's Decide on 'main pages' design Front Cover, contents etc.
2.2.2. Decide on house style
2.3. Style
2.3.1. Try different fonts and layout combinations
2.3.2. Decide on colour scheme
2.3.3. Decide on typography
2.3.4. Decide on ratio of text to images
3. Production
3.1. Create
3.1.1. Start making all of the layouts
3.1.2. Watch tutorial on indesign
3.1.3. Download blurb plugin
3.1.4. Create headings
3.1.5. Input images
3.2. Refine
3.2.1. Proof read to check for mistakes
3.2.2. Make sure pages are numbered correctly
3.2.3. Check I have included everything
3.2.4. Cut out anything that doesn't work well
3.3. Print
3.3.1. Find out costing
3.3.2. Check dimensions
3.3.3. Choose type of paper Choose binding
3.3.4. Send off through Blurb to print
4. Client meeting
4.1. Checking
4.1.1. check over all design decisions with client
4.1.2. send all materials to client to proof
4.1.3. ask client for input/opinions
4.1.4. update client on progress
4.1.5. get client feedback
5. Content
5.1. sourcing
5.1.1. Contact client
5.1.2. source all images
5.2. Edit
5.2.1. Edit images (potentially)
5.2.2. Potential design some graphics
5.3. Organise
5.3.1. Decide which images to use Decide on how many
5.3.2. Put relevant images with each section
5.3.3. Plan theme of sections
6. Review
6.1. Post-production
6.1.1. Check that printed version is correct
6.1.2. Test print
6.1.3. Check with tutors I have done everything
6.1.4. Send out artefact to client
6.2. Survey
6.2.1. Create and send out survey to target audience
6.2.2. Analyse responses
6.3. Evaluation
6.3.1. Reflect on survey responses
6.3.2. Critique my project
6.3.3. Evaluate the process
6.3.4. Hand-in complete portfolio