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Atmosphere by Mind Map: Atmosphere

1. Heat Transfer

1.1. Raditation

1.1.1. Research and prepare experiment

1.2. Conduction

1.3. Convection

2. Air

2.1. Nitrogen

2.2. Oxygen

3. Earths Seasons

3.1. Due to the axis tilting

4. Temperature in lower areas change as carbon dioxide levels increase

4.1. CO2 is a powerful heat radiation absorber

5. Water process

5.1. Heat that evaporates the water which turns into moisture

6. Cloud Forming Process

6.1. Heat changes water into vapor then condenses higher in the clouds

6.2. Precipitation is coming from the clouds

6.3. Condensation happens in the clouds

7. Wind Genration

7.1. Pressure Gradient Force

8. Fronts

8.1. Boundary separating two masses of air

8.2. Cold Fronts

8.3. Warm Fronts

9. Thunderstorms, Tornadoes, and Hurricanes

9.1. Moisture

9.2. Condensation

10. El Nino/La Nina

10.1. El Nino is a drought phenomenom

10.2. La Nina is cold ocean temperature phenomenon

11. Earth Spehres

11.1. Stratosphere

11.1.1. New vocabulary

11.2. Troposphere ( Weather Sphere)

11.3. Acts a greenhouse because they redirect heat

12. Weather & Climate

12.1. Temperature

12.2. Pressure

12.3. WInd

12.4. Humidity

12.5. Precipitation

13. Water Vapor and Dust

13.1. Allows condensation of water vapor

13.1.1. Midterm

13.2. Natural Greenhouse Gas

14. Ozone Layer

14.1. Protects us from UV rays

14.2. Protects us from extreme heat

15. Albedo Variation Causes

15.1. Cloud cover

15.2. Atmospheric Aerosol Content

15.3. Nature of Surface

15.4. Sun angle

16. Hurricane, Typhoon, Cyclone

16.1. Same weather phenomenom

16.2. Different names

16.3. Different places