1. Stress on last syllable
1.1. Most two-syllsble verbs have stress on the last syllable. E.g. exPORT
2. Stress on penultimate syllable(second from the end)
2.1. Words ending in ''ic'', ''ia'',''ial'', ''ible'', ''ian'', ''ient'', ''ious'', ''ish'', ''osos'', ''sion'', ''tion''. E.g. TOpic, potENtial, progNOsis, resPONsible, MEdia, muSIcian, GRAdient, amBItious, PUnish, ocCAsion, situATion
2.1.1. Exceptions: Eligible, Egligible, inCOrrigible, inTElligible,POlitics, Arabic, CAtholic, LUnatic,RHEtoric
3. Stress on anti-penultimate syllable (third from the end)
3.1. Words ending in ''cy'', ''ate'', ''eous'', ''ical'', ''ify'', ''inal'', ''itive'', ''ity'', ''ize'', ''phy'', ''ogy''. E.g. INdicate, Policy, simulTAneous, poLItical, iDENtify, CRIminal, POsitive, seCUrity, REalize, geOgraphy, techNOlogy
3.1.1. Exceptions: PREsidency, consTItuency
4. Stress on the last syllable
4.1. Words ending in ''adle'', ''aire'', ''ee'', ''eer'', ''ese'', ''ette'', ''oo'', ''que'', ''sce'', ''oon'' E.g. arcADE, millionAIRE, advisEE, enginEER, ChinESE, cagarETTE, tattOO, unIQUE, balLOON
4.1.1. Exceptions:Accolade, DEcade, MARmalade, REnegade, coMIttee, COffee, TOffee, YANkee, JUbilee,PEdigree, REINdeer, MANganese, Omlette, PALette, Igloo
5. "Polysyllabic" words
5.1. Nouns have main syllable on the prefix
5.1.1. 'Co-driver
5.2. Adjectives have syllable after prefixes
5.2.1. Co-e'xist
6. Stress on the first syllable
6.1. Most two-syllable nouns and adjectives have stress on the first syllable. e.g. Atom
7. most two-syllable nouns and adjectives have stress on the first syllable.
7.1. BUTter
8. "Compound" words
8.1. The following types of compound noun usually have main stress on the first part
8.1.1. nouo+noun (lipsytick)
8.1.2. noun+-ing form(house-hunting)
8.1.3. -ing form + noun( siting rom)
8.1.4. verb+noun(search party)
8.2. The folowing types of compound noun have dtress on the second part and secondary stress on the first pars
8.2.1. adgective+noun(hot potato)
8.2.2. adjective+ -ing form (global warming)
8.2.3. past participle + noun (lost property)
8.3. The following types of compound adjective have main stress on the first part
8.3.1. adjectives written as one word (carefree)
8.3.2. noun+ -ing form( free-paying)
8.3.3. noun+ past participle( pear-shaped)
8.4. The following types of compound adjevtive have main stress on the second part
8.4.1. noun+adjective (fat-free)
8.4.2. adjevtive+noun (long-term
8.4.3. adverb + -ing form (easy-going)
8.4.4. self-as the first part (self-confident)
8.5. Compound verbs have stress on the second part (underSTAND)
9. Suffixes don't influence the placement of the word stress
9.1. Al, ally, ess, ful, ish, less, ly, hood, ship
9.1.1. PERson-PERsonal
9.1.2. ACtual-ACtually
9.1.3. BROther-BROtherhood