My Foundations of Education

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My Foundations of Education by Mind Map: My Foundations of Education

1. Schools as Organizations- chapter 6

1.1. Federal: Senators: Doug Jones (D) Richard C. Shelby (R-AL) House of Representative: Mo Brooks (R) AL05 5th Congressional district of Alabama Local Level: Senators: Tim Melson (R) Larry Stutts (R) House of Representatives: Phillip Pettus (R) Lynn Greer (R) Marcel Black (D) State Superintendent of Education: Interim- Ed Richardson Representative on School Board: Ella B Bell Local: Lauderdale County BOE- Superintendent- Jon Hatton Board Members Barbara Cornelius Jerry Fulmer Terry Holden Ronnie Owens Daniel Patterson

1.2. Elements of Change: School Processes and Culture.The elements of change is conflict. Everyone within the school has different conflicting goals. In school new behaviors are learned and students learn to work together. The process and content of new behaviors and working together are related.

2. Curriculum and Pedagogy- chapter 7

2.1. Developmentalist Curriculum

2.1.1. The Developmentalist Curriculum focuses more on the needs of the students rather than society.

2.1.2. Student center curriculum focused meeting the child's interest and needs based on the development of the student. The teacher is not a transmitter of knowledge but a facilitator of knowledge for student growth.

2.1.3. I really like this type of curriculum especially in a pre-k or kindergarten classroom where it should be mainly learning though play. I feel like teaching should focus on what the children want to learn they should not be forced to learn something that they do not have interest in. I understand their are certain topics teachers need to teach as the students get older, but when they are young let them learn what they are most interested in.

2.2. Dominant Traditions of Teaching

2.2.1. Mimetic The purpose of education is to transmit specific knowledge to students. The method us to do this is called the didactic method. Which means a lecture or presentation is the main focus of communication. The teacher teaches information to the students and their is an assessment of the learning process.

2.2.2. Transformative The purpose of education is to change the student in a meaningful way. Including either intellectually, creatively, spiritually, or emotionally. The teaching process is more of a conversation between the teacher and students. Active participation in the conversation and discuss is a sign of growth.

3. Equality of Opportunity - chapter 8

3.1. Impact on Educational Outcomes

3.1.1. CLASS: The educational experience all depends on the social class. An education is very expensive and the longer a student is in school the more likely need there is to be a finical need. Higher and middle class parents expect their children to finish school. On the other hand lower class parents do not have as high of expectations for their children getting an education because of the finical burden.

3.1.2. RACE: Since the Civil Right Legislation in the 1960's the society is still based on race. The race has an impact in how much education he or she will achieve. Between ages 16-24 the drop out rate is 5.2 percent versus the 9.3 percent rate for African Americans. There are many more percentages that all result in the white students having the better results. One reason that was noted of why this is the case is whites receive a better education and opportunists

3.1.3. GENDER: Historically gender use to be related to education attainment. Even though women tend to be better students, the were less likely to receive the same amount of education. Today females are less likely to drop out of school than males. Females also tend to be better at reading and writing. Males tend to be better at math. I think today education is more equal when it comes to gender than it has been. The high up jobs have always seem to belong to men but I think it is becoming more equal than it has ever been.

3.2. Coleman Study (1982) Responses

3.2.1. RESPONSE 1: High School Achievement: Private schools were more effective learning environments then public schools because more focus is on academics. Private schools provide discipline in a way that is consistent with student achievement. Private schools demand more from their students than public schools.

3.2.2. RESPONSE 2: Equality of Education Opportunities: Where a student goes to school is often times related to race, socioeconomic background, but the racial and socioeconomic composition of the school has a greater effect on student achievement than an individual's race and class. The textbook said there must be away to create an all equal opportunity among the races.

4. Educational Inequality - chapter 9

4.1. 2 Cultural Differences Theories

4.1.1. 1. African-American children do less well in school because they adapt to their oppressed position in the class and caste structure. Meaning that minorities are often times taught to just deal with inferior changes and they are not encourage so they do not do well in school

4.1.2. 2. Working class and nonwhite students resist the dominant culture of schools. Meaning the minorities just do not have a culture based around school.

4.2. 4 School Centered Educational Inequalitys

4.2.1. 1 School Financing- Some schools do not have enough to fund on students.

4.2.2. 2 Effective School Research- The same type of schools need to be compared rather than those that are not as similar.

4.2.3. 3. Between-School Differences- Schools effect education outcomes, school climates create inequality.

4.2.4. 4. Within- School Differences- Grouping students based on ability and interest creates inequality.

5. Sociological Perspectives - chapter 4

5.1. Theoretical perspective concerning the relationship between school and society

5.1.1. Functionalism Functionalism talks about how education all over the world serves the needs of society.

5.1.2. Conflict Theory I liked this quote in when reading about conflict theories, "schools are similar to social battlefields, where students struggle against teachers, teachers against administrators and so on." I think that is a great explanation of a conflict theory. Students are often times not select on their learning abilities or how much they know, rather according to their social status. While power often related to schools, but in turn it really reflects and relates to the power within the society. Randall Collins had some good points, he talked about the rise of college grads. He said society was coming more expert but education is encourage children to take advantage of college because it gives more occupation options and social structure for parents and children.

5.1.3. Interactionalism Interactionalism takes about how social classes and backgrounds give students advantages and disadvantages. School are typically based on middle class organizations. So those coming from a working class background are at a disadvantage. Interactionist observes what is going on in the classroom.

5.2. 5 Effects of schooling that have the greatest impact on students

5.2.1. 1. Knowledge- Students gain knowledge from attending school. Research showed that more educated individuals are more likely to read newspapers, books, and magazines and take part in politics and public affairs. I think this is all very important schools provide students wit knowledge they can use in the future especially when it comes to politics and being aware of whats going on in the world and what they can do to help.

5.2.2. 2. Employment- Being educated in high school and then being encouraged to move onto college and get a degree that will provide you with better job opportunities. I think this is one of the greatest impacts schools have on students. Encouraging them to move on and better themselves so they can provide for a family one day rather then not even finish high school. Now days most people can get a good job out of just high school, but I think schools do a great job at encouraging you to do go for greater job opportunities.

5.2.3. 3. Education and Mobility- Schools provide opportunities. Some students only education maybe K-12th grade. Taking electives and classes help students learn and see what occupation they will be interested in doing. "Education opens the doors of opportunity." Mobility is affected by where students go to school. "A private school may act as a "mobility escalator" because it represents a more prestigious educational route."

5.2.4. 4. Student Peer Groups and Alienation- Schooling allows students to make friends and be around students that are the same age as them and that they have some of the same interest as. This may include clubs such as drama club, or the math team, maybe even band, or joining a sports team. This all plays a role in shaping students into who they really are.

5.2.5. 5. Teacher Behavior- The teachers behavior plays a big part in students education. The teachers behavior and attitude reflects on the students. Students can tell the mood teachers are in and that a lot of times determines how they act and behave. It is found when teachers demand more from their students and praise them more, the students learn more and feel better about themselves. The praise and encouragement from a teacher will lead to good behavior from the students also vs yelling and being rude.

6. Politics of Education ch2

6.1. The Four Purposes of Schooling

6.1.1. Intellectual To teach basic cognitive skills such as reading, writing, math: to carry on that knowledge and adding higher order thinking skills such as analysis, evaluation, and synthesis.

6.1.2. Political To teach patriotism, to prepare citizens who will participate in political order, to teach laws of society.

6.1.3. Social To help decrease social problems. Making friends and learning to communicate and talk to people.

6.1.4. Economic To prepare students for their future careers.

6.2. Education and Educational problems

6.2.1. Role of the school: Conservatives believed the role of the school is to provided the necessary educational training to ensure that the most talented and hard-working individuals receive the tools they need to maximize economic and social productivity.

6.2.2. Unequal performances: (Liberal view) Some students have disadvantages due to their backgrounds. Society must try and equal the playing field though policies and programs.

6.2.3. (Radical view) Educational Problems defined as the issues of equality, lowered curriculum's, the decline of the value of school and authority.

6.2.4. The educational policy and reform was to return to the basics. Subjects such as history and literature. Creating standards that students should reach in each grade. Creating a private and public school system, providing the parent which the choice of which they want to send their children too. This was their attempt at creating equality, and avoiding failure of schools.

7. History of U.S. Education CH3

7.1. Public Education Reform

7.1.1. I believe the reform that had the biggest influence on education was led by Horace Mann on public education. He believed that it should be required to have public education in the U.S. It was eventually successful. Public education is how many majority of people receive an education. I believe this is the movement that had the most influence on education, because without public education some people may have choose to not receive an education. This also gave everyone an equal opportunity to receive an education.

7.2. Historical Interpretation of U.S. Education

7.2.1. The History of Education in the United States has been a struggle of many disagreements. It has been though a cycle of reforms about the goals and focus of education and how to better the education for children. One historical interpretation was extending post secondary education. They wanted to up high school graduation numbers. However the historians and sociologist argued about the path to take for educational success. Another question they struggled with was who benefits from educational expansion and what goals have been met in the past.

8. Philosophy of Education - chapter 5

8.1. Pragmatism- finding a process that works and following it until you achieve it.

8.1.1. Generic Notions- Written by Dewey and influenced by Evolution. School was a place where children could learn hands on and though books. Allowing children to created there own plan of study, based on their interest. Projects, group work, and hands on learning is heavily used to teach child. The notion says that children were growing and developing and need a course of study that is appropriate for them personally, Dewey believed school should reflect enabling of graduating students to follow the democracy. Dewey believed strongly in democracy. He thought it would help made the society better and up to date.

8.1.2. Key Researchers: John Dewey, William James, and Sanders Peirce

8.1.3. Goal of Education: The main goal of education is growth. Education does not have an end and the goal is to make successful human beings that can better the society.

8.1.4. Role of the Teacher: Teachers are not the authority figure in a progressive setting. Teachers encourages, suggest, questions, and helps students plan out their course of study. The teacher does write out a curriculum and rules that are used in the classroom.

8.1.5. Instruction: Students were believed to have their own plan of study. They work individually and in groups to work through problems and learn. Field trips and projects were a way of reinforcing what the students were learning. Students are on no time frame and can conserve with their classmates. Choosing to work in a group or by themselves.

8.1.6. Curriculum: The curriculum was not set in stone and often changes. Whenever the students needs and interest change.

9. Educational Reform- chapter 10

9.1. 2 School-Based Reforms

9.1.1. School-Business Partnerships: An increase in school funding allowed low Income students with more educational opportunities.

9.1.2. School-Work Partnership: (focus on non-college bound students)More work opportunities were provided to students after they graduate high school.

9.2. 2 societal, economic, community, or political reforms that impact education

9.2.1. Full Service and Community Schools Focused on meeting the students' and their families educational, physical, psychological, and social needs. Community centers extend hours provide services such as, adult educational, health clinics, recreation facilities, after school programs, job placement, and tutor services.

9.2.2. Harlem Children's Zone Geoffrey Canada provided parents in Harlem a program before their children are even born. The program providing information that middle-class parents should know. How to help their children academically and providing a healthy home environment with discipline.