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Energy by Mind Map: Energy

1. Nuclear

1.1. Stored in a nucleus of an atom

2. Radiant

2.1. Electromagnetic energy

2.1.1. Travels in transverse waves

3. Electric

3.1. Movement of electrons

3.2. Lightning and Electricity are examples

4. Chemical

4.1. In the bonds of atoms and molecules

4.2. Found in batteries

4.3. Found in plants

5. Thermal

5.1. Within or known as heat

5.2. Rapidly moving

5.3. In the movement of atoms and molecules within a substance

6. Renewable

6.1. Solar

6.1.1. Light

6.1.2. Heat

6.2. Wind

6.2.1. Moving air

6.3. Hydro

6.3.1. Moving water

6.4. Bio

6.4.1. Found in biological substances

6.5. Geothermal

6.5.1. Heat found inside earth

7. Non-renewable


7.1.1. Coal

7.1.2. Natural gas

7.1.3. Petroleum

7.1.4. Nuclear Energy

8. Source

8.1. Solar

8.1.1. Light

8.2. Wind

8.3. Hydrogen

8.4. Tidal

8.5. Wave

8.6. Geothermal

8.6.1. Heat underground

8.7. Hydroelectric

8.8. Biomass

8.9. You can not create energy

8.10. You can nod destroy energy

9. Form

9.1. Indirect

9.1.1. Artificial Batteries of sort

9.1.2. Natural Heat

9.2. Direct

9.2.1. Magnetic

9.2.2. Electrical

10. Measurement

10.1. Done by Joules

10.2. Can be converted

10.3. Unobservable unless we observe only its affects

11. Potential

11.1. Types that are also involved

11.1.1. Chemical

11.1.2. Stored Mechanical

11.1.3. Gravitational

11.1.4. Nuclear

11.2. Stored energy that results from the position/shape of an object

11.3. Does not need to be in motion to result to having energy

11.4. The more an object weighs/greater the object's height, the greater its gravitational potential energy

11.5. When an object is stretched out or compressed, it is called elastic potential energy

11.5.1. Bow and arrow e.g. - when the arrow is pulled back, bow morphes shape, creating potential energy within, and it is released when the bow is released, making the arrow fly.

11.6. When related to an object's height, it is called gravitational potential energy

11.6.1. Equal to the work (energy wasted) to lift it

11.6.2. Gravitational potential energy = Weight X Height

12. Gravitational

12.1. Energy of place

12.2. Energy of position

13. Stored Mechanical

13.1. Stored in objects

13.2. Created by force

14. Kinetic

14.1. Types that are also involved

14.1.1. Thermal

14.1.2. Electric

14.1.3. Motion

14.1.4. Sound

14.1.5. Radiant

14.2. The energy an object has due to motion

14.3. Kinetic energy = 1/2 x Mass x Velocity^2

14.4. Energy increases once velocity increases

14.5. More mass equals to more kinetic energy

15. Sound

15.1. Movement of energy in between substances, but is more like vibration

16. Motion

16.1. From moving to a place from another

16.2. Wind and hydropower are examples

17. Define

17.1. The ability to do something

17.1.1. Change

17.1.2. Work

17.2. Makes things happen

18. Conservation of Energy

18.1. when one energy changes in form

18.2. friction reduces the energy