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Democratization por Mind Map: Democratization

1. Politics

1.1. New Grassroots

1.1.1. Technopolitics

1.1.2. Independent vs "astroturfed"

1.2. Consultant-drive "establishment"

1.3. Politicians

1.4. Politics vs Policy

1.5. Governance

1.5.1. Decision process

1.5.2. Decision ownership

2. Medicine

2.1. Participatory medicine

2.2. Patient empowerment

2.3. Health commons

2.4. Identification with condition

2.5. Patient communities

3. Markets

3.1. VRM

3.1.1. Market identity vs personal identity

3.2. Social feedback loops

3.3. Brand identity/adherence

3.4. Customer base/community

3.4.1. Fans/critics

3.5. Statistical identity

4. Media

4.1. Social media

4.2. Creative commons

4.3. Memes, message cluster, packets of ideas