1. enablers
1.1. Progressing technology
1.2. Access to devices (laptops for Teachers)
1.3. strong infra-structure that supports e-learning across the school
1.3.1. professional support for staff to use e-learning intergrated throughout learning
1.4. Teachers seeing relevance to students "digital nativeness"
1.5. Culture that allows teachers to try/take risks and learn from experience
1.5.1. Community collaboration - accessibility to community knowledge
1.6. Teacher skill level
1.7. engaging, credible facilitators who support learning to feel accessible for staff
2. concerns
2.1. Copyright
2.2. Quality
2.3. universal access
2.4. safety for children and staff, visitors to school etc
2.4.1. percieved??
2.5. Managing pace of change
2.5.1. cost
2.6. Focus on traditional skills can be seen to be diluted
2.7. $$$$$ - cost/benefit
2.8. "Evidence" that it improves learning
3. benefits
3.1. Available for wider consumption
3.2. access to visual, interactive info etc on web that hooks children in
3.2.1. ability to share thoughts, learning, information by children, teachers, community
3.3. Sharing amongst teachers who are capable
3.3.1. can provide non-written access to curriculum very motivating for previously unmotivated learners May lessen gap between home and school access to technology
3.4. Engagement - "Digital Hook"
3.5. parents like the idea of children learning in the 21st century ... not last century!
3.6. Helps to personalise learning
3.7. 'Life skill'
3.8. Provides opportunities for learners to revisit learning
3.9. children feel actively involved with other learners beyond their school
3.10. Allows learning to extend beyond the classroom walls
3.11. Involve parents/caregivers more in children's learning
3.11.1. Share what is being learned as parents don't always understand what teachers are after
3.12. Colalboration
3.13. Supports creativity by reducing "skill" required to do what experts do
4. barriers
4.1. Ability of staff
4.1.1. attitudes and readiness for change New node New node
4.2. traditional techniques of teaching
4.2.1. age of teachers "what's in it for me?" competing and winning with "what's in it for my students?" consistent and easy access to servers, computers etc which ALWAYS works