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Aesthetic Evaluation by Mind Map: Aesthetic Evaluation

1. Choose two:

1.1. sculpture

1.2. pictures (painting / photography)

1.3. the novel

1.4. drama

1.5. poetry

1.6. music

1.7. film

1.8. fashion

1.9. architecture

2. How does art criticism help our understanding of art?

3. Forms of art have these in common:

3.1. Design

3.2. Medium

3.3. Function

3.4. Technique

3.5. Originality

3.6. Communication

3.7. Synergy

4. The message of art

4.1. narrative

4.2. Evoking emotion and mood

4.3. Evoking people and places

4.4. Seeing the familiar new

4.5. surprise and shock

5. Respond to art

5.1. Techniques used

5.2. Themes

5.3. what effect does it have on you?