What is the connection between video games and violent behavior in teens?

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What is the connection between video games and violent behavior in teens? by Mind Map: What is the connection between  video games and violent behavior in teens?

1. video games cause violent behavior in teens

1.1. its is the male race who are more violent over video games because the male race plays more violent video games than the female race.

1.1.1. We respond by blaming guns, our inattentiveness to mental health, violence in the media or video games this quote shows that people blame violence as to guns or mental health maybe if we could eliminate video games thats one less problem we have to worry about

1.1.2. So, too, with these boys' relationships with video games girls average 5 hours on video as to boys average 13. This matters because maybe if boys did not play violent video games as much they wouldn't have as much agression

1.2. Video games are most likely putting our children in harm and are affecting our kids in bad way

1.2.1. Kids who like to play brutal video games may have a predisposition toward aggression, he said. this quote is say the more kids/teens play video games such as shooting/violent video games are most likely to have aggression

1.2.2. the Norwegian mass murderer, claimed he practiced for his mass shooting by playing this same game This quote matters because the shooter did have a stash of violent video games in his basement but it kinda proves my point about violent video games cause teen aggression

1.3. Because The author believes this because most of the mass shooting in school are mostly boys

1.4. Because the majority of the video game violence/aggression come from the male rave that play violent video games

2. video games do not cause violent behavior in teen

2.1. although video games do cause aggression not every kid that plays violent video game are gonna go to the real world and cause violence

2.1.1. "Not every player in the world that play violent video games is going to go into the real word and cause violence and aggression towards others" This quote shows that not every player that plays violent video games is gonna go cause violence in the real world

2.1.2. "Theres no real connection between video games and violence into the real world" This quote makes me think that not every player that plays video games causes violence in the real world

2.2. although there is a connection between video games and aggression there is no real casual link that makes kids violent that play video games

2.2.1. "The American Psychological Association [APA] in August 2005 found a clear causal link between violent games and teen aggression." this matters because they are trying to find a link between games and violence

2.2.2. Dr.Jonathan "It doesn't even deal with the question of whether it leads to criminal violent behavior or real violence. At most, it addresses the question of whether it leads to aggression, which I don't think it does." The reporter is saying that he does not think that video games leads to in real life violence

2.3. because not every body that plays violent video games is gonna cause violence in the real world

2.4. because there is no real connection between violent video games and in real life violence