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ICT Resources by Mind Map: ICT Resources

1. Mindmapping

1.1. Mindmanager

1.2. Mind Meister

1.3. Freemind

1.4. Bubbl

2. Google Tools

2.1. Photos

2.2. Docs

2.3. Reader

2.4. Blogger

2.5. Sites

2.6. Moderator

2.7. Sketch Up

2.8. Picasa

2.9. Wonder Wheel

2.10. Gmail

2.10.1. Gmail Article

3. Social

3.1. Linkedin

3.2. Facebook

3.2.1. RSS Graffiti Edmodo to Facebook

3.2.2. Twitter Feed

3.3. Everloop

4. Presentation

4.1. Glogster

4.2. Voki

4.3. Storybird

4.4. Wordle

4.5. Jog The Web

4.6. Diagrams

4.6.1. Create a Graph

4.6.2. Gliffy

4.7. Slideshows

4.7.1. Prezi My Prezi's


4.8. Document Presentation

4.8.1. Scribd

5. Screen Capture/ Conversion

5.1. Snagit

5.2. Camtasia

5.3. Jing

5.4. Zamzar

5.5. Fireshot

6. Audio/ Visual

6.1. Sound

6.1.1. Voicethread

6.1.2. Audio Web-Based Tools Mind Map

6.2. Videos

6.2.1. Youtube

6.2.2. Teacher Tube

6.3. Pictures and Images

6.3.1. Flickr

6.3.2. Zoom It

6.3.3. Photo Snack

6.3.4. Slideshow Kizoa Animoto

6.4. Aviary

6.5. Comic Life

7. Blogging/ Wikis

7.1. Wikis

7.1.1. Wikispaces

7.2. Blogs

7.2.1. Blogger

8. Teacher Resources

8.1. Class Management

8.1.1. Learn Boost

8.2. Class LMS

8.2.1. Edmodo

8.3. Content Delivery

8.3.1. Web IQ

8.4. Organisation

8.4.1. Livebinders

9. Learning Resources

10. Website Tools

10.1. Wix

10.2. Weebly

11. Web 2.0 Websites

11.1. Cool Tools For School Wiki

11.2. Go 2 Web 2.0

11.3. Tips and Tricks- Widgets, part II

11.4. Teacher Challenge

11.5. Trending Education

12. Cybersafety

12.1. Cyberkatz