
Affiliate programs consist of good technology, honesty and money. When ethics fail, bad actors do appear. We screen affiliates and identify reputable partners. Keeping it fair in revenue share.

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iAfma.org by Mind Map: iAfma.org

1. Herby Olschewski

2. Website

2.1. Home

2.2. About

2.3. Mindmap

2.4. Benefits

2.5. Join

2.6. Login

2.7. Dashboard

2.8. Learn

2.9. Earn

2.10. Stats

2.11. Rewards

2.12. Groups

2.13. Blog

2.14. Shop

2.15. FAQ/Help

2.16. Contact

2.17. Disclaimers

2.18. Privacy

2.19. Terms

3. Social Media

3.1. Facebook

3.2. Google+

3.3. Linkedin

3.4. Twitter

3.5. Pinterest

3.6. YouTube

3.7. Instagram

3.8. RSS Feed

4. Groups

4.1. Animal Lovers

4.2. Need Extra Cash

4.3. Scholars/Students

4.4. Stay-At-Home-Parents

4.5. Employment Seekers

4.6. Employed But Broke

4.7. Business Owners

4.8. Super Affiliates

4.9. Active Retirees

4.10. Management Teams

5. Courses