QR codes can be used as performance support tools by.... (please add you name to any suggestion(s...

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QR codes can be used as performance support tools by.... (please add you name to any suggestion(s) you make) by Mind Map: QR codes can be used as performance support tools by.... (please add you name to any suggestion(s) you make)

1. .. placing them onto a traditional poster which links to audio/video explaining the deeper context.

2. ...adding them to Quick Reference Guides to link to 'How to..' videos and updated guidelines (@charlesjennings)

3. .. linking to help files @stevebatchelder

4. .. adding them to bookshelves and linking to websites on the same subject as the books.

5. .. inserting one into a newsletter that links to an audio version.

6. On sheet music, with the link taking you through to a recording of the piece @Taranz1

7. .. placing on a dog collar badge. You can embed phone owner number or text with all informations or even create Mobile app of a dog name, owner, his home. @good_survey

8. "God's gift to Job Aids" @jaycross

8.1. Change what they point to whenever you want

8.2. Enable mobile workers to call up what's appropriate

8.3. Post QR codes when they are needed. Situated learning.

9. In the Working Smarter Fieldbook, QR codes point to web-based supplementary content. @jaycross

10. Festival or event staff can have QR codes printed on tshirts directing participants to additional information

10.1. Parking

10.2. Food and Beverage

10.2.1. perhaps a coupon?

10.3. Safety and evacuation notifications...

10.4. etc.

11. .. placing one outside your office or on your screen saver for when you are away - "scan if you need me" - takes user to sms text message field @britz

12. New node