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Geography por Mind Map: Geography

1. Hemispheres

1.1. Northern and Southern Hemisphere

1.1.1. The Northern Hemisphere is the half of Earth that is north of the Equator.

1.1.2. The Southern Hemisphere is the half of Earth that is south of the Equator.

1.2. Western and Eastern Hemisphere

1.2.1. The Western Hemisphere is a geographical term for the half of Earth which lies west of the prime meridian.

1.2.2. The Eastern Hemisphere is a geographical term for the half of Earth which lies east of the prime meridian.

2. Poles

2.1. North Pole

2.1.1. is defined as the point in the Northern Hemisphere where the Earth's axis of rotation meets its surface.

2.2. South Pole

2.2.1. is one of the two points where the Earth's axis of rotation intersects its surface.

3. 5 Themes of Geography

3.1. Location

3.1.1. Absolute is a location that written as latitude and longitude from.

3.1.2. Relative is the relationship of a place to other places

3.2. Place

3.2.1. Physical Characteristics describe the natural environment of the place.

3.2.2. Human Characteristics describe the people of a place (past and present).

3.3. Human - Environment Interaction

3.3.1. depend on environment.

3.3.2. adapt to the environment.

3.3.3. make a minor change to the environment.

3.4. Movement

3.4.1. movement of people.

3.4.2. movement of product.

3.4.3. movement of information and news.

3.5. Regions

3.5.1. can be defined on basis of physical and human characteristic. geographer divide country into a lot of sections

4. Prime Meridian & Equator

4.1. Prime Meridian

4.1.1. A prime meridian is a meridian (a line of longitude) in a geographic coordinate system at which longitude is defined to be 0°.

4.1.2. Longitude s a geographic coordinate that specifies the east-west position of a point on the Earth's surface.

4.2. Equator

4.2.1. is the intersection of the surface of a rotating spheroid (such as a planet) with the plane perpendicular to the axis of rotation and midway between its poles.

4.2.2. Latitude is a geographic coordinate that specifies the north–south position of a point on the Earth's surface. Latitude is an angle (defined below) which ranges from 0° at the Equator to 90° (North or South) at the poles.