Usa Be +

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Usa Be + by Mind Map: Usa Be +

1. Be

1.1. Am

1.2. Are

1.3. Is

2. Contractions

2.1. I'm

2.1.1. I'm a good student

2.2. You're

2.2.1. You're an amazing people

2.3. He's

2.3.1. He's my boyfriend

3. Negative

3.1. Am Not

3.1.1. I'm not married

3.2. Is Not/Isn't

3.2.1. The dog is not angry

3.3. Are Not/Aren't

3.3.1. We are not family

4. Location

4.1. At

4.1.1. I am at the restaurant

4.2. Next to

4.2.1. We are next to your classroom

4.3. Behind

4.3.1. You're behind my door

5. Pronoun

5.1. Singular

5.1.1. I I am a student

5.1.2. You You are a good friend

5.1.3. He/She/Is He is my cousin

5.2. Plural

5.2.1. We/You/They We are friends

6. Adjetictive

6.1. Tired

6.1.1. She is tired

6.2. Tall

6.2.1. The building is huge

6.3. Hot

6.3.1. The Coffee is hot

7. Questions

7.1. Am i

7.1.1. Am i a doctor?

7.2. Is He/She/It

7.2.1. Is she in your class?

7.3. Are You

7.3.1. Are you alone?

8. Noun

8.1. Plural

8.1.1. Are They are soccer player

8.2. Singular

8.2.1. Article A It is a cat An There is an apple