Prewriting Techniques

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Prewriting Techniques by Mind Map: Prewriting Techniques

1. 5W

1.1. define

1.2. are?

1.3. expand

2. Scratch Outlining

2.1. define

2.2. example

2.3. exapnd

3. Mapping

3.1. define

3.2. aka clustering

3.3. details

4. Free Writing

4.1. Write continuously for a set period of time

4.2. without regard to

4.2.1. Spelling

4.2.2. grammar

4.2.3. topic

4.3. produces raw, often unusable material, but helps writers overcome blocks of

4.3.1. apathy

4.3.2. self criticism

4.4. writing anything to maintain the flow.

4.4.1. - don t censor yourself

4.5. When done, go back and highlight best ideas

5. Listing

5.1. define

5.2. use

5.3. who